One thing the cats have learned… on a hot colorado day, it is better to stay inside with the air conditioning than to be running around in the back yard.
YAY!! Today I got back my cholesterol results – down 40 points (over 18 months) – not sure if its the name change, colorado life or just the diet and exercise. Either way this belongs on the refrigerator (if only… Continue Reading →
Early Birds Eat Worm… Mark, Josh, Mandy. We are trying to play golf in the morning one day a week – we have to start early to avoid melting in the HOT SUN! We are all trying out new techniques… Continue Reading →
Pot time… we planted some tropical foliage in a few pots to spice up the patio. Next we are on to patio furniture!
A view of the back patio, we spend every lunch out here – watching the golfers that don’t seem to have jobs and can play golf in the middle of the day. Cricket and Crenshaw join us for a few… Continue Reading →
Here is the back oasis – still waiting to grow up, but there are a few flowers peeking through. Our other neighbors seem to be using weeds as their grass – so we find ourselves picking overflow.
Our side meandering path leads around to the back. Our neighbor’s, Bernie and Sonia have kindly offered to help us put in a fence – they are doing their own landscaping and are very handy.
Landscaping Update!! We know landscaping can never truly be done, but we are making progress. Here is the front of our house… you may all recognize the maple that traveled from California disguised as “miscellaneous tools” – after a few… Continue Reading →
This weekend Mark and I got up early to take a walk – we realized (pasty white mark and mandy + colorado sun = Sunburn). Can you believe Mark not wearing sunscreen. We spent Sunday with a touch of heat… Continue Reading →
June 17, 2005: Riley turns 2. Happy 2nd Birthday Cowboy!
June 17, 2005: Chris sent a package from Dean & Deluca filled with yummy treats. It rememinded me of watching TV with Chris when I first moved into Toscana. I was watching Felicity, who works at Dean & Deluca. I… Continue Reading →
Mark and Chloe show off the “Biggest Teeth” ever. So cute!
Here is mark with Little fury. I don’t know which one is cuter!!
On Sunday we headed out to look at our future puppy – we spent some quality time snuggling the babies. (Puppies pictured here: Matt, Mo, Michael and Mark)
Mr. Deer was having a snack next to the trail and posed for a photo. Those are some big ears!!
June 11th, 2005: Chloe came for her first visit to Boulder this weekend, she finally arrived after 13 hours of travel. The luggage arrived Saturday morning and we were off to take a walk in the canyon.
Finally the racing stripes are revealed! Mark and I have spent a few weekends hanging drywall, painting our garage and getting ready to complete the floors. Next step building the work bench. (no we are not into nascar!) 🙂
Morning Glory pool – was beautiful.The pool has changed colors over the year after people have thrown objects into it, blocking the heat. Idiots. (that’s me in the upper right corner)
We headed down to Yellowstone for some geyser viewing. On our walk we came across Riverside Geyser – Mark was pretty impressed. The Geese were also excited to get their weekly spa treatment.
Mark is getting some advice from the locals at Chico! 🙂 We plan to return for a ride in the fall for Becky’s wedding.
The scenic falls makes for a great photo – My dad, Ann, Becky, Pam, Me and Mark – Heidi is taking the photo.
We were successful in finding the cache (you can see it in my hand). The Richau and Huntington ladies are great hikers!
Happy Mother’s Day – a little late. I realized I haven’t been great about posting and promise to be better. We surprised my mom in Chico for mothers day, who was there to surprise her friend Ann. We decided to… Continue Reading →
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