We are back from a fabulous week in Mexico with Scott and Julie – Zihuatanejo was wonderful. The weather was hot and humid which meant lots of cold beer and margarita’s was really our only option to stay alive. Thank goodness we were up to the challenge!We spent the majority of our days on the beach reading and doing the crossword puzzle that was delivered in the NY Times Digest each day. Julie is excellent at the puzzle and I was easily addicted – until Friday rolled around and it was extremely difficult, even with 4 brains we were stumped.
Hotel Villa del Sol is lovely – there are many pools (including an infinity pool and a bar pool) and a fabulous beach. The water in all of the pools was an exact 98.6 degrees – it felt what we imagined a sensory deprivation pool might feel like.
One night at dinner (the food was awesome) Scott made a point to say that he wished people would write more on their blogs – you know me I am completely visual, but if Scott could remember that each picture I post is worth a thousand words, I might get the award for being the most prolific blogger around!
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