Lola is growing and growing and I thought I would give everyone an update. She is now 16 weeks old (almost ready for a rabies shot). We have been trying hard to get her as much socialization as possible – she goes to puppy daycare a couple times a week where she gets to play with all types of dogs. We have also started Puppy Kindergarten.
Most of the class is spent playing and romping with other dogs (yes that is lola beating up on an Austrailian Sheepdog – Haley is her name). But we are also learning basic commands – Sit, Down, Stay, No. We think she is such a smarty pants!!
She has also outgrown her puppy collar and has graduated into a bigger size XS instead of XXS. 🙂 We had to get a matching leash – here she is showing off her stuff.
Each morning we take her for a walk to try and run some of her energy out of her. We have a great open space trail close to our house and as we walk on the trail she bounds through the tall grass. Mark calls it her “wherethefuckarewe” bounce.
She is quite a bundle of love and lives for validation. She will be heading to Montana this month – her first plane flight. We know she will do great. We are still learning what to be careful of… last weekend when were were out of the house for a couple of hours we came home to find the little devil happy to show us her art project.
How can you resist!!