On Sunday night Greg, Josh, Amy and my mom were here for dinner. Greg mentioned a cool trick about putting a burnt-out light bulb in the microwave in a cup of water and watching it glow. We absolutely had to see how it worked…

We took a light bulb and filled a coffee cup up with a bit of water to cover the metal portion of the bulb. We put the bulb in and started the microwave. We all gathered around patiently to watch – and what do you know the bulb instantly lit up. The colors changed from White, to green-ish white, to blue-ish white, to purple-ish white… we were cheering. In the middle of our cheer….KAAA-BOOOOOM…the ladies in the crowd scream. The bulb exploded into a Ga-gillion pieces (yes, this is a real number).

The Microwave is fine and Mark and Greg cleaned up the tiny extra sharp pieces of glass (lightbulb glass is some of the sharpest glass around) – it was honestly a fantastic experiment. If you are looking for a party trick this might be it.

We think that next time we might keep the microwave on low so we have more chance to view the glowing bulb. Definitely TRY this at home.