Life in Colorado

Month December 2005

Holiday Prep

Mark and I are getting ready for our first holiday’s in Colorado. We put up two trees this year and I had mark hangin icicle lights outside in freezing weather (yes, I know Amy and Julie don’t care for icicle… Continue Reading →

Holiday Prep

Mark and I are getting ready for our first holiday’s in Colorado. We put up two trees this year and I had mark hangin icicle lights outside in freezing weather (yes, I know Amy and Julie don’t care for icicle… Continue Reading →

Sick Pup

This one is for Martha Olbrys… Lola has suffered a pretty bad bout with Kennel Cough. Poor thing has had the shivers, an upset tummy (she, like her mom, can’t take medicine on an empty stomach) and a hacking cough…. Continue Reading →

Mark and Mandy go to New York

We finally took our trip to New York City to see Mark’s Dad and some old college friends. It’s been over 3 years since our last trip, so the visit was long overdue. We flew in Friday morning on a… Continue Reading →

Time for Snow Boots

This morning we woke up to freezing temperatures – today’s high is 8. Poor lola has to use the outdoors to do her “business” – she bounded in half way through (don’t worry no mess) wimpering and not wanting to… Continue Reading →

Earth to Mars, This is Lola

Somebody has a skin owie on her leg and can’t leave it alone! Lola doesn’t seem to mind the collar, so we thought, but last night in her kennel she chewed it off. This morning she bounded out screaming “VICTORY!”… Continue Reading →

Lola Graduates!!

We have been taking Lola to Level 1 dog training after she was too old for Puppy Kindergarten. This class has a bit more structure and we learn commands like sit, down, stay, heel, walk pretty and wait. There were… Continue Reading →

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