Mark and I are getting ready for our first holiday’s in Colorado. We put up two trees this year and I had mark hangin icicle lights outside in freezing weather (yes, I know Amy and Julie don’t care for icicle lights). Turns out the wind in our area blows the lights into the gutter – very frustrating. This year our tree has red berries and poinsettias with our ornaments. And of course, decorations aren’t complete without tons of bowls of Ikea ornaments!
When my parents were here my mom, a crabby mark and an excited Mandy created our sky skape on the wall of our fireplace. Poor Mark had to balance on a very tall ladder to install my curtain rod at the top and then hang all of the ornaments on clear fishing line. Everything was up and put away and while having a beer and admiring the wall, my mom and I realized we had an empty space – so out came the ladder and an even more crabby Mark. But it was worth it – the sky scape is a perfect addition to the red feather trees.
This is also the first year that I have my shopping done and wrapped – even stocking stuffers! Mark and I put in two good nights of wrapping – we of course were assisted by Lola and Cricket. While not nearly as helpful, they added lots of energy. Lola is totally freaked out by wrapping paper tubes and talking through them. BONKERS!
We have all enjoyed listening to a Classical Christmas on XM Radio (866 – for you directTV’ers). Happy Holidays!!
P.S. I know this blog is pretty Lola heavy – but Lola is a camera hog – when you turn it on, she sits and poses – its hard not to keep them coming. 🙂
December 21, 2005 at 5:10 pm
As an avid “Mark and Mandy” blog reader I demand MORE LOLA POSTS! Keep ’em coming.