This one is for Martha Olbrys… Lola has suffered a pretty bad bout with Kennel Cough. Poor thing has had the shivers, an upset tummy (she, like her mom, can’t take medicine on an empty stomach) and a hacking cough. She wouldn’t eat so we found ourselves trying anything we could – including wet cat food and chicken noodle soup.
We were a bit out of sorts by the whole thing, so we would get up early in the morning and bring her into our bed for some cuddles (this is usually a no-no). Here she is looking pretty pathetic. 🙂
Yesterday she finally felt like her energetic self chasing the cats and chewing on random items, and hoping to sleep in bed and eat people food. I am a sucker for her eyes, so without Mark knowing I am letting Lola clean my plate – actually she would be a good dishwasher if you didn’t mind dog drool.
We have finally kicked our 3 round with Kennel Cough – we will be avoiding Day care for the rest of the year.
December 21, 2005 at 4:11 pm
Hiawatha! What other furry animal is sitting on Mark’s chest?!
December 22, 2005 at 1:07 pm
I knew that Mark would get some chest hair comments for this post – sadly I have no censorship! 🙂