Christmas Eve day the Richau’s headed to see the Bronco’s (Special Thanks to Denny Buscher for the Tickets!!). This was my first time EVER to see the Bronco’s and the first time to Invesco Stadium for my parents and Josh. Mark and Amy decided to spend the day with their sisters while we were at the game.
We drove to the Game in my dad’s truck and began looking for parking – the lots closest to the field were charging $40 to park for the game – My dad really wanted to get into the stadium so he said, “lets just do it” and in we pulled. We were waiting to pay the attendant when a guy walked up to our window and said – “Are you really going to pay $40 to park here”. We said sadly – “Yes” and he said for $20 I will give you my lot pass to park next to the field. We paid the man (feeling a bit nervous about the validity of the pass) and headed down to Lot E – right next to the stadium with easy access to leave. Thanks Random Nice Guy!!
The bronco’s were playing their long time rival the Oakland Raiders – Josh has a soft spot for the Raiders and Crenshaw was born in Oaktown so we were trying to be on our best behavior. We had a few bold Raider fans behind us – fortunately we were all in the Christmas spirit (including the “paint-your-face” fans.
Being Christmas Eve we saw lots of Santa Broncos – and many signs stating that “Even Santa was a Raider Hater” – of course my mom (after a couple of beers) continued to remind the Raider fans behind us that “we were not Raider Haters” – in case he forgot.
It was Fan Appreciation day so the whole stand was filled with orange pom-poms which my dad used as a pony tail. We were so enthusiastic that we kept dunking the end of the pom-poms into our beer and showering our neighbors – they didn’t seem to mind. The Bronco’s whooped the Raiders and we headed home for Maine Lobsters Direct Christmas Eve Dinner! What a day!!
January 4, 2006 at 7:48 pm
The Raiders don’t really suck, right Josh? Great recount, Mandy;a Christmas Eve to remember!