Last week we had two new additions to our extended families…
On Tuesday, September 26th Nicholas Scott was born at 11:37 pm. Scott and Julie were in San Diego for the birth. We have waited for Nicholas for so long (he was due on the 15th) and when he arrived he was more perfect that we could have imagined.
Nicholas is home in Mountain View and doing great! Here he is singing his mom a love song……and being Mr. Schleepy-pants in the car. The world has redeemed itself in my eyes.
Then on Friday morning Sophie Christina was born. Jess, Yancey and Emma are doing great and yesterday we went up to toast (yumm champagne) to the new baby and hang out. We brought sophie a snuggly pink hoodie made out of some super snuggly baby fleece that is built in some secret lab under a volcano – how the baby clothes have changed since we were small.
Sophie had a high bilirubin reading and has to stay under the lights for an extra day – but here she is small and snuggly with mom.