So I finally got my oath ceremony rescheduled after a 7 month delay… they really operate on long time frames over there at the INS/TSA/DHS. The whole process of becoming a citizen (from being a permanent resident, which takes a good 3+ years) has been over a year, and that’s after I had already been a permanent resident for longer than the required 3 years.
The final step in this process is to take an oath of allegiance, and answer these 7 questions regarding any activities that have taken place in the last few months since I was approved for citizenship. All pretty straightforward except the last one. It makes you wonder what sort of background checking they might be doing. Is this a trap? Do they already know the answer. Well, I’m going with “No”, because I think that has to be the right answer. My oath ceremony is on October 18th, just in time for the mid-term elections!
October 9, 2006 at 1:33 pm
My parents are coming down and we plan to host a small Rah, Rah America Party for Mark – For one day mr.anti-patriotism will be soaked in the american flag and singing “and I’m proud to be an america, where at least I know I’m free…” (Actually Mark’s pretty good at Karoke so I will try to get that one on video.)
October 10, 2006 at 10:49 am
I thought you were in the clear until I got to the “habitual drunkard” part…too bad as I was hoping to finally not be the only one with citizenship in the Sladden gene pool.