We have been busy doing some home improvement over the last couple of weekends, one project was to install a counter top in the laundry room. Before we had our Washer, Dryer and Lola’s crate side by side – it was a perfect (snug) fit. When we installed the counter top we had to put in a support brace between the washer and dryer taking away precious space for Lola’s crate.

Mark decided to build Lola a little dog area that was a tiny bit smaller, but very unique. He came up with a pretty futuristic design (the holes are for ventilation) and I added a special touch by sewing a purple velvet dog pad.

Lola isn’t too sure about the house yet and we need to get some sort of gate for the front, but she looks beautiful. Even Cricket thought it would be nice place to sleep (in the lion’s den). Mark is definitely handy – We are almost done with our bookshelves (just final touches and crown) and then we will post some photos – I think you all might be impressed with Mark’s woodworking skilz!