This is an exiciting week for the sladdens…
Today Mandy has officially become a Googler and later this week Mark will officially become an HP’er.
In May I joined Jotspot along with many of my X-mercury coworkers – in the 6 months I was there we accomplished a lot with 2 major releases (yes, at this company we release more often than every year and a half). I am extremely excited about the move to google – they actually have an office in Boulder on Pearl street. The Google campus in Mountain View is amazing so I look forward to visiting often.
The HP aquisition of Mercury has been in the news for a few months but we are actually nearing the final close (finally!!). Mark is pretty excited about the change – he will still work remotely from home (mostly in his jammies).
We are both very excited about the new opportunities with each company. 🙂