After an additional day of photo therapy they let us out of the hospital – yes they just let us walk out with a baby, they, in fact, escorted us out the door. We snuggled the little bundle up in her car-seat and wheeled her out. The smudge-kin is too small for the seat so I did my best front seat driving with mark on the way home making sure that he realized how precious this cargo was – Mark loves my front seat driving! 🙂
We arrived home to quite a welcome – we had balloons on our front door and inside Grammie Pammie had fixed beef wellington and strawberry shortcake for dinner. We had our first visitors to the house – Sonja and Jenna and the Jost Girls (Cheryl, Shaylin and Kiera).
Josh welcomed me home and pointed out that he thought I would look thinner after the baby – I thanked him for that comment (big jerk). I have had some horrible swelling in my feet – they look like manatees – but its nothing that sleeping in my own bed won’t fix.
Lola is extremely curious of the new bundle but is holding it together rather well. Cricket is still skulking around the house and any noise from the baby sends her back under the bed. We think in a few days all will be back to normal (with one amazing addition of course)
April 19, 2007 at 2:36 pm
Welcome home you guys! And thanks for all of the blog posts. 🙂 I keep checking every day and was excited to see a batch of 5!!