We drove into London this afternoon (after a quick stop at the Dragon School for Boys in Oxford) to have dinner with Glynn, Cindy, Peter and Anika. Elsie was named for Elspeth (Mark’s Mom) and Elspeth was named for her dad’s favorite sister Elsie.

All of the manson’s were taking turns snuggling the bean – especially anika and cindy…

They had a new kitten (11 weeks old) named Peter that was extremely lovey and feisty at the same time – and I had to show this photo because their puppy Dottie was so patient. Lola take note …

Glynn is known for spoiling girls and in keeping this up he wanted to be the first to buy Elsie a DIAMOND! (it is her birth stone). Here she is with her new bling!!

Dad said she couldn’t wear it officially until she was at least three. 🙂 She loves it!