Tiny Dancer, originally uploaded by markandmandy. We put on some ballerina shoes today and had a little dance off – Elsie won! She loves the Beatles just like her grammie (the early stuff, not the druggie phase).
Today is heather’s birthday so we wanted to send some birthday cheer! First get all dressed up in your birthday pinks … Have dad put a sign on you since you haven’t mastered the art of Sign Spinning … and… Continue Reading →
We have been having some hot, hot, hot weather lately – it hit 100 degrees yesterday. We thought a walk through some cool grass might be fun for the bean. First she enjoyed the hot concrete … Curled up little… Continue Reading →
Who says babies can’t sit up! This cool bumbo chair is holds the little bean up in the perfect sitting position. She is still skeptical but when I told her all the big kids were doing it – she was… Continue Reading →
For Fathers day we had the Richau crew over for Brunch. We made crepes – when I say we I mean mostly my dad and mark (and my mom too). Elsie got mark a new shirt (she’s already able to… Continue Reading →
Shelley, Heather and Lisa threw a meet and greet for Elsie while we were in Billings. Here are a few shots of the fun: the four generations – Ruby, Pam, Mandy and Elsie Carol, Karen, Shelley and Me: Heather and… Continue Reading →
This weekend we traveled up Montana for fathers day, an Elsie meet and greet and Riley’s 4th birthday. Heather is the ultimate entertainer so this event is known as Riley-palooza throughout Billings. This years theme was Pirates and there were… Continue Reading →
Today was elsie’s 8 week doctor visit (she will be 9 weeks tomorrow) and it was the dreaded vaccination day. Mark conveniently went to California to avoid any association to the shots. As usual Elsie loved having her clothes off… Continue Reading →
Working hard with dad, originally uploaded by markandmandy. who says you need a nanny?
We went to the google picnic on friday and Elsie wanted to fit in … We only stayed a bit, enough time for some pulled pork sandwiches and a beer – and time to introduce Elsie to the googlers. Lola… Continue Reading →
elsie is skeptical of hats and dresses … but she is excited about summer!
Elsie and I decided we really needed a rocker in her nursery – we looked at gliders, but felt that the sleek design of the Sleepy Time Rocker was right up our alley. Just sitting in it makes elsie very… Continue Reading →
Daniel with Elsie, originally uploaded by markandmandy. Last week Mark hosted dinner for his co-workers. I was out with Amy so Mark (with the help of uncle josh) had baby duty as well as cooking duty. The boys did great… Continue Reading →
We took our first outing without Elsie this past Friday … We asked our neighbors the Jost’s (Jost like toast) to watch the bean. Cheryl is a NICU nurse so we figured if anything went wrong she would know more… Continue Reading →
and I will CRY IF I WANT TO! We actually got this pink tu tu for Olivia Lu Kodama – who when born was actually Miles Kodama. When Elsie was born they sent the sea of pink back our direction… Continue Reading →
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