Today was elsie’s 8 week doctor visit (she will be 9 weeks tomorrow) and it was the dreaded vaccination day. Mark conveniently went to California to avoid any association to the shots.
As usual Elsie loved having her clothes off and kicking on the table – you may remember her past visit poses:
She is still in the 25th percentile for weight and the 50th percentile for height and head circumference. The nurse gave elsie some tylenol to preemptively stop any leg soreness – she definitely enjoyed the grape flavor.
they then brought in another nurse to help administer the shots – 4 of them, 2 in each leg. When the first stick went in Elsie’s eyes opened really wide and then the screaming started. Big giant crocodile tears with a big giant wail – it was horrible, but fast (if there were some sort of speed shot contest, these ladies would definitely be contenders). I scooped up the bean and did the mom cuddle, but the tears were still flowing – so I gave her the boob. No tears can beat the boob!
She settled down and is now taking a long nap – it takes a lot of energy to cry like that!