This weekend we traveled up Montana for fathers day, an Elsie meet and greet and Riley’s 4th birthday. Heather is the ultimate entertainer so this event is known as Riley-palooza throughout Billings.

This years theme was Pirates and there were 25 kids and lots of parents (heather has lots of adult drinks including a keg that needs to be finished before the party is over). Here is Grammie with the bean who wasn’t quite ready for all of the kids.

My mom is the official cake maker for riley-palooza so we spent saturday morning decorating. Here is the cake:

Heather sent the kids on a treasure hunt and they found booty – pirate patches and doo-rags.

The best part of the day was that heather and robb had an envelope that contained the sex of their baby (to be born mid october) and they let riley open it for the crew. Last Monday Heather had her big ultrasound and the doctor put a colored piece of paper in an envelope to open … and it was PINK!!

We were all secretly hoping for pink – hooray! Heather and Robb were ecstatic! Riley had a blast (I can’t believe he is 4).