For Fathers day we had the Richau crew over for Brunch. We made crepes – when I say we I mean mostly my dad and mark (and my mom too).

Elsie got mark a new shirt (she’s already able to use a credit card) and here he is looking so cute (and clearly too busy watching the US Open to look at the camera).


We got to meet Ben’s daughter Bella who is 9 months old

Kevin and Bella


After brunch we headed over to the house my dad is currently building to check on the progress – its a pretty small house decked out with every feature you could imagine (laundry rooms on all three floors, elevator, 3 dishwashers … )


This is the guest room that looks out to their backyard pool – that’s some crazy drywall:

crazy drywall

Outside dryvit:
Outside Finish

I give it two thumbs up:

Thumbs Up

They project makes me want to build my own home … some day.