On Friday the Johnston/Olbrys crew arrived after three days of road tripping. They arrived in great spirits ready to meet miss Elsie Lane

Niko meets the bean

Elsie is wearing her Trumpettes – from Chris and Saira – they are too cute!

Josh, Mart and Elsie

We had some yummy cucumber mojitos at Josh and Amy’s and finished with Dinner at our house. Chris and Saira were here and we celebrated Roan’s first birthday (two days early) with a caterpillar cake (specially made for the birthday boy by grammie)…

yummy caterpillar


Happy Birthday Roan!

On Saturday we went to High Tea at the Dunshabe tea house while we had little sandwiches and scones had some sweet potatoes – yummers! (for those of you who wonder if nicholas is really as happy as his blog shows – mr. smiley pants is even happier!)


We then went for a walk on pearl street – Martha did a bit of shopping and Niko played in the water.

water fun

the sneaky water spouts gave niko a direct hit …

water fun

Saturday night the grandparents took the kids to dinner and the kids (Josh, Amy, Scott, Jul and the Sladdens) went to Yancey’s 40th birthday party.

Mart and Jul gave Elsie and Niko matching outfits so we had a little photo shoot …

Niko and Elsie

and elsie wearing her matching hat …

Elsie Bean in hat

We already miss everyone!