Life in Colorado

Month August 2007


Robin and Duncan sent elsie a kiwi wearing an All Blacks outfit. As you can see the bird has a large beak … That is perfect for … CHEWING!! đŸ™‚ Don’t worry Robin and Duncan, she just got a little… Continue Reading →

4 month check up

Elsie had her four month old check up today (two weeks late).  She was right on target for growth: Weight: 12lbs 13.5 oz (25th%) Height: 24″ (25th%) Head Circ.: 16 3/8″ (60th%) We had 4 vaccinations which seemed to be… Continue Reading →

Holding my own bottle

Elsie is finally taking a bottle (of breastmilk) – this is a huge step (although right now everything goes into the mouth). Here is grammie giving elsie a meal – with Elsie’s help of course.

Going green!

Mandy and I consider ourselves moderately environmentally conscious and would like to be more so. We recycle all containers and papers (Mandy occasionally throws around the word nazi when I chide her for putting recyclables in the trash). We started… Continue Reading →

Tummy time

When grammie was here she had lots of tummy time with elsie – she doesn’t like tummy time and so she quickly learned to roll to her back. I will post a video but here are some quick photos of… Continue Reading →


Some photos of Elsie in her jumperoo – she is pretty excited to have her feet touch my improvised booster on the floor and of course loves to chew on the bee.

Play Mat

turns out the play mat that I have been having elsie play with is finally interesting to her – she played so much the other day that she fell asleep. She has her little sidekick with her in case the… Continue Reading →

everything must go in the mouth

Elsie has mastered the “grab and shove in my mouth” technique. Of course fingers are always yummy: Putting stuff in your mouth  is soooo funny!

Hi Donna!

Donna was in town for some HP leadership training and was able to come down and meet miss elsie lane!

Grammie Nanny

for the last two weeks Grammie Pammy was playing Grammie Nanny. We spent one week in Montana and one week in Colorado before we had to (sadly) put grammie back on the plane yesterday. My parents are completely set up… Continue Reading →

Chico Hot Springs!

On Saturday we took a trip up to Chico Hot Springs just outside of livingston in paradise valley. Chico has a lodge, a bar (of course), a fantastic restaurant and the mineral pools. There is a hot smaller pool and… Continue Reading →

Montana Wedding

Last thursday we flew up to Montana for John and Karen’s wedding. here is uncle josh getting the bean ready for the big day… here she is dressed in her fabulous sun dress from Julie and Scott: It was a… Continue Reading →

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