Well the week is ending (so sad) so we spent our last day lounging around on the beach, swimming, more surfing for the boys and then a delicious lobster dinner flown in from Maine. Yum

Here is a photo run down of the day …

First a photo shoot for Niko (Surfer) and Elsie (Flutterbug)

flutterby and surfer boy

new outfit

Then we headed to the beach, swimming for Niko, Scott, Julie, Mark and Me …

ocean boys

while the little bean slept in the shade


Scott killed a coconut

Scott catches coconut


Niko played in his own plunge pool



Once awake we tried more beach for elsie, she’s not that in love with the water


wave watchin

no hat

We wanted to wash Elsie off so we headed to the outdoor shower


oh no

not a big fan of water in the face

not liking shower

some cuddles will do the trick

mom's ok


Scott attempted to surf off of our beach (it was scary) – the break was crap, and he had to swim 14 miles off shore – there are definitely sharks out there!

scott in surf

The boys packed it up and headed up to hanalei to surf


the girls stayed back with the miniatures for nap time (next year Jul and I will have an activity that we do while the boys stay back for nap time – spa’ing perhaps?). Elsie practiced her hula girl look with a flower behind the ear.

hula girl

When the surfers returned Mark cooked up some yummy mussels


Scott cooked up the lobsta

lobsta man

And we had a huge feast

team lobsta

We headed to bed. We woke up at 4:00 to see if Josh and Amy had delivered their baby – and yes, hooray Miss Saffron Richau was born 8lbs 1oz, with a dark head of hair. We can’t wait to meet her (photos when we get them!).

We had a final breakfast and packed up – Mark and I don’t leave until a red eye tonight so we are off to do a bit of shopping. Scott, Jul and Niko are off to the mainland.

We have had an amazing time and can’t wait for next year – Greece perhaps! Here is a final shot of team vacation before we headed home.

team vacation

Kauai family

(all kauai photos)