We took a walk yesterday and stopped to let Elsie have some snow time in her Pink Patagonia snow suit …
Here are some shots of elsie enjoying her christmas loot … Chewing (favored activity) on her christmas bear from the Jost’s Playing with her Elmo Table from Riley, Heather, Finley and Robb! New duds from Grammie Elsie wondering why Cricket… Continue Reading →
Elsie’s first Christmas was a blast – we were lucky enough to have both families here to celebrate. Michael and Alison in from England, Chloe in from San Fran, and my parents down from Montana. On Christmas morning we were… Continue Reading →
too cute : http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=1841218603
Christmas always brings tamales to thunder lake circle as the Baros hold their annual party. This year, they took things up a notch by inviting Santa to the party. Santa had a list of all the neighborhood children (most of… Continue Reading →
Who can resist her chuckles!
Calling all models! We took a few shots of Elsie for our New Year’s cards (to be sent out shortly) and had her try on her new Uggs (thanks Niko). She is even grown up enough to wear a ribbon… Continue Reading →
My parents had their annual Christmas party this weekend which was a good kickstart for the holidays. Elsie was overwhelmed by all of the new attention – bit of her dad in her, but we had a great time. This… Continue Reading →
We were up in Montana with my folks this weekend and attended the annual Santa brunch at the Yellowstone Country Club. Elsie was all dressed up ready for her big meeting with Ho Ho! (Finley showed us how to put… Continue Reading →
We had quite a thanksgiving this year in Colorado – we were lucky to have my aunt sandy, uncle rod, grandma ruby, Kev, tyler, dylan, lauren and of course my parents. We had a wonderful dinner! We usually spend turkey… Continue Reading →
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