We had quite a thanksgiving this year in Colorado – we were lucky to have my aunt sandy, uncle rod, grandma ruby, Kev, tyler, dylan, lauren and of course my parents. We had a wonderful dinner! We usually spend turkey weekend in Seattle with the crew and then we often brave black friday in downtown to watch the lighting of the christmas tree – this black friday we decided to do things a little differently. We had a star wars themed birthday celebration for Dylan and Lauren.
We decided it might be fun to make each person attending the party a star wars character – so we tapped into our star wars mind trust (Amy and Josh, but mostly Amy!) to come up with a list of character and a tag line for each person. Everyone got a shirt to wear for the day of activities … bowling, dinner at bennihana and then off to Josh and Amy’s for game night!
here are some shots of the crew:
Dylan said it was the best birthday ever! Thanks mom for staying up late to iron shirts even in our turkey coma!