A few weeks ago (been a bit lazy on posting) we took a trip back to the Bay Area. Mark and I both had work and decided it was time for the Bean to see our old stomping ground. We were lucky enough to stay with Scott, Julie, Niko and Sumo which was great since they were kitted out with all of the baby gear. Julie also graciously offered to watch Elsie while we were at work (AMAZING!!).

I am definitely a neurotic mom so most of the time I am with Scott I feel nervous in my tummy – is he going to drop Niko?, should Niko be swinging that high? – but it is really good for me. The process usually goes: me verbalizing my concerns – Scott and Mark telling me I am crazy, Mark imitating Scott’s behavior with Eslie to add more nerves to my tummy, Julie listening to me and nodding (secretly feeling the same) and finally me seeing Niko and Elsie love it.  Little by little progress is made!

I got my first dose when we arrived and headed to the park:


Elsie loved it! She also tried out the little rocking zebra.


Niko was very generous with all of his toys

snuggle duck

sharing toys



On Sunday, Scott and Julie hosted cocktails and drinks so we could have a chance to see a few people … of course we didn’t get very many photos but I did capture this one: It was cute to see how times have changed

How times have changed

Monday through Wednesday Elsie spent the day with Julie and Niko – she had so much fun. We have no idea how Julie managed two babies (SUPA-Star!) but we were so thankful!

Auntie Julie!!

Thanks Scott, Jul, Niko and Sumo for taking us in!! We had a wonderful time!!