Life in Colorado

Month February 2008

Self feeding is very…

MESSY! But oh so delicious. Thank goodness for Shout!

Children’s Museum

Today we headed to the Children’s Museum in Denver … Even though Elsie was little under the weather she had lots of fun… We started in the soft play area where there were lots of fun things to do, first… Continue Reading →

The future Mrs.Shulund

Lisa and Dirk are engaged!! Congratulations Dirk – you couldn’t of picked a better fiance! 🙂  

Hot to trot

Elsie has clearly decided that crawling is a waste of time. Instead she has taken to demanding that she be escorted around by holding onto our fingers. So to save our backs and give Elsie her own ride, we bought… Continue Reading →

Last Swim Class

Elsie had her last night of swimming lessons … there was no official graduation but if there was she would have graduated with HONORS!! Here is some final night photos:

Meet Andrea!

We have a new (and improved!) nanny*. This past Monday Andrea started as Elsie’s full time care taker – Elsie is already in heaven. Andrea spends the day playing, reading and holding elsie’s fingers as she endlessly walks around the… Continue Reading →

Happy Valentines Day!

well yesterday… We had a low key day (final swim lessons) but we did open a Valentine from Grammie and Grampa which included some fun books and this very cute pink (of course) hoodie! Sadly dad was under the weather… Continue Reading →

The shade structure is up!

After a few scorching summers on our South facing back patio, we came to the conclusion that we needed a shade structure. We were lucky enough that Kevin had a contact that he worked with in Montana who supplied reclaimed… Continue Reading →


I am sure many of you know about my addiction to Etsy … so when a blog pointed to these cute little hats from PDX Beanies I had to get them for Nicholas and Elsie for our trip to California… Continue Reading →

Did somebody say …

Movie Star! This cute little dress was a hand-me-down from Saffron to Elsie (saffie’s head can’t fit through the top, but elsie’s pin head can) – its a super cute baby nay outfit.


Elsie started swimming lessons at our local rec center … she is a star-baby! We signed up with Kyla (one of Elsie’s friends and a former birth class couple). These lessons focused on acclimating the little star babies to water… Continue Reading →

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