Life in Colorado

Month April 2008

Sand and Water Table

For Elsie’s birthday, grammie and grandpa got her a Sand and Water Table – a perfect height for a little girl, and a kneeling dad… While dad likes to build sand castles, elsie much prefers to SPLASH! One waterproof smock… Continue Reading →


This weekend we were invited to an afternoon gathering – we arrived without the most important item for a translucent baby girl with red hair – a sun hat! Fortunately Bill and Linda offered up some hats from their boys… Continue Reading →


Heather and Finley came down for a visit and we had so much fun! We captured some photos of the girls playing on the grass – we can tell they are already best friends. here they are gossiping about their… Continue Reading →

A little artist

Grammie gave Elsie her first crayons and they spent some time coloring together. For those of you who don’t know, my mom is an amazing drawer – if you ever have the chance to play pictionary fight to have her… Continue Reading →

Garden Tea Party (part 2)

We had a great time at Elsie’s first birthday … we had lots of friends join us for an afternoon of chatting and eating. Elsie was a princess in her birthday outfit from Heather and Finley (who flew in to… Continue Reading →

Garden Tea Party (part 1)

We had so much fun with Elsie’s first birthday. I love working on little details (it drives mark crazy) but I definitely think the details make the party. We found some fun headbands in the target $1 area and that… Continue Reading →

Preparing for the Birthday

We did it! Elsie turned one! I decided to cut the posts into sections so I didn’t overload you with too many photos 🙂 We were lucky to have lots of help getting ready for Elsie’s big day. My parents… Continue Reading →

Little lace pants

Elsie today wore a lovely brown and pink outfit. The skirt has built in leggings with lace trim – really rather nice and comfy.

The mysterious case of the missing dishrag


Playing with my Shaker

Elsie has a little shaker she likes to get her groove on with. Here she is working her striped pants and orange bow! It even sings in Espanol – “Azul… Naranja… Verde”

Good morning Mom

Mandy is in California this week for work, so she is missing her hourly Elsie fix. Elsie got up from her nap this morning and walked into the office to show me what a beautiful outfit she had chosen, complete… Continue Reading →


Last Wednesday I was officially done making breast milk. I slowly weaned down and had my last pump at Google. I remember when Elsie was born and I said “If I can make it 3 months then I will be… Continue Reading →


This past weekend we headed out to NYC for the Harad/Stone Wedding (more on this later) – we packed up our little bean and headed off to the airport friday afternoon. We did not buy Elsie a seat for the… Continue Reading →

Too cool for lunch!

I am at the office today … when I work from home Andrea has elsie walk into the office to show off her daily outfit (Andrea dresses this little munchkin up right!). Here is what I received in my email… Continue Reading →

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