Last Wednesday I was officially done making breast milk. I slowly weaned down and had my last pump at Google. I remember when Elsie was born and I said “If I can make it 3 months then I will be so proud of myself”. And then when I hit 3 months I would say “if I could make it 4” and so on and here I am almost 1 year later.
While pregnant I received a lot of information about how wonderful breastfeeding is, for the baby, for the mom and for the bonding experience. And it was hard work, anyone who feel like it comes naturally and that babies just “know” what do to is either lying or totally making it up. I attended breastfeeding club with my mom, I had a visit to a lactation consultant and together Elsie and I just got better at the whole thing.
I made it to 3 months and then it was time to go back to work … which meant pumping during the day, I was pretty sure I would be done in a couple of weeks because stopping work to pump 3 times a day is an annoyance. But a combination of events changed that …
first off Google had a special room made for me (the Mother’s room) at the office. The room has a comfy chair and ottoman, some fun artwork and an awesome mobile. I could bring my laptop with me and continue to work, or eat lunch in the room – another reason google rocks. Secondly I found the hands free pumping band – this contraption that wraps around you and holds the pump bottles (imagine a fembot) in place. I didn’t even have to stop working to pump – I just hooked myself up. But the last, and most importantly pumping/breastfeeding burns around 500 calories a day. So while making milk for my daughter and working for google I was also exercising without even stepping on to the stinky elliptical. SOLD! Each month I continued to make milk I lost more weight. I hate to say it, but I was doing this more for myself than for Elsie – but she was getting the upside of having mom’s milk.
Elsie weaned herself to only bottles (she’s no dummy, milk comes out of bottles much quicker thank mommies) – but I continued to pump, even dreading the day I would stop – as I sat in the Mother’s room last week doing my last pump I felt a sense of accomplishment. My freezer is stocked with 28days worth of frozen milk and I made it to one year. I also felt a sense of sadness (hormones, I think) or the fact that I will have to get back on that stinky elliptical!
April 8, 2008 at 3:38 pm
Mandy! Beautiful post…I cried my eyes out the last time I nursed my girls (and don’t even ask Heather how old they were). Congratulations, Mama!
PS. Give Elsie a HUGE birthday hug from the Fink Family!
April 8, 2008 at 7:07 pm
I think your nursing experience rocked! Way back when you were a baby I missed the nursing experience and fed you with a darn bottle. So I watched the MIRACLE of your breastfeeding with awe from the start. You were determined to make it work. You also worked hard to make an inconvenient process seem easy when you had to go to work. I loved every moment of watching Elsie get her cuddles. Hooray for one year of healthy babe and healthy mom!
April 10, 2008 at 6:37 am
M, Congrats! It is such a great feeling to nurse (I loved it) and it is such a great feeling to quit… (loved that too). We just stopped about 6 ish months ago? Fiona claims that she doesn’t remember nursing. Sniff Sniff. I was sad too and so ready at the same time. Plus, now she can’t blame this or that allergy on you when she gets older. Or cry to her therapist that she was never breast fed.
April 11, 2008 at 12:05 pm
Lucky little bean. Way to go, so impressive Mandy! You give me faith that this whole working motherhood thing can be done (with a ton of work, dedication and a great employer!).