Elsie got a fabulous Tea Set and Tea hat from the Johnston’s for her birthday. She is still learning how to be a lady who sips tea, and doesn’t destroy the nice tea settings mom has put out…
We invited Pink elephant and the Orange Ant Eater to afternoon tea… complete with some delicious pastries.
Elsie headed in to pick out some books because who doesn’t like to read stories while they have tea.
Elsie thought pink elephant should wear the hat
Isn’t she beautiful!
Elsie has started to make a shhhh sound as she pretends to pour the tea … she still holds the pot by the spout and pours out of the handle, but its a start!
We are having so much fun with the non-breakable tea set!
May 22, 2008 at 2:06 pm
If ever Elephant and Anteater are unavailable, Ava and Flora would love to have afternoon tea with Miss Elsie. They will bring cucumber sandwiches.
PS. I am coveting your handmade tea set…it is adorable.