On Sunday we headed over to Lake Valley to have a visit with the Spruill’s – today we tried out our new giraffe suit (me tarzan, you jane)…

cover up

You tarzan, me jane

I wasn’t sure if Elsie would be into the water, but instantly she headed right in … I sent mark in with her since it was too cold for me. 🙂

in the water

Sophie and Emma also loved the water




kick kick

The girls had some fun digging for gold in the sand (sadly we didn’t find any)

gold hunt

maybe there is gold in the water …



nope, not in the water!

Elsie and dad spent some time walking the blue rope of the beach (this picture is too cute!)

Elsie and dad

and some time flying above the water


We had a great lunch, jessica made some yummy curry salad and we had a bottle of wine. I will leave you with one last shot … Elsie’s longer hair. For so long Elsie’s didn’t have much hair, but slowly we are getting more! 🙂 Hooray!
