Life in Colorado

Month September 2008

The perfect use for tiny fingers …


Swings are brilliant!

Saffie Turns One

Two weekends ago we joined Saffie and crew to celebrate her first birthday (and Josh’s 35th). First birthday’s are hard … lots of people coming into your house and giving you the birthday look … saffie wasn’t so sure She… Continue Reading →

Team of Destiny

Mark is hoping his only little good luck charm will bring success to the Jets this year! J-E-T-S!!

The Denver Zoo

Grammie and Papa got us a zoo membership this year – on Monday Mindy and Elsie headed down to Denver to check out the animals. The headed out early in the morning so they could catch the animals in their… Continue Reading →

First Hair Cut

Elsie’s hair was starting to look like a full blown mullett and I decided it was time for a hair cut. We headed over to Lollylocks where Elsie chose a dinosaur to ride for the big event. I expected more… Continue Reading →

The Aquarium

Mindy has been taking Elsie on all sorts of adventures. They began last week with a trip to the Aquarium in Denver. While its not like the Monterey Bay Aquarium – its really cool (we have a captains pass so… Continue Reading →

Butterflies and waterfalls

A couple of weeks ago when Grammie was visiting we decided to have a whole weekend of fun activities – first we headed to the Butterfly pavilion. In the building you start by looking at some bugs, and some aquariums… Continue Reading →

Elsie in Montana!

This is a much delayed post: pretend its really dated August 4th. After Lisa and Dirk’s wedding in Montana, Mark and I flew home without Elsie. She opted to stay in Montana with Grammie and Papa for a week of… Continue Reading →

Costa Rica: The Wrap Up

Ok I am finally doing my last post on Costa Rica. Four years ago we headed to Zihuatanejo (the surface of the sun) for our first Team Vacation where we agreed to meet somewhere each year – in 2006 we… Continue Reading →

Costa Rica: WAAaaaaa waaaa

Elsie doesn’t just say water, she says “WAAAAAAA waa” and Costa rica was filled with it … the beach the over protective mother … Dad explaining tides of course the pool (dad, coaxing her in) But her favorite Waaaa Waaa… Continue Reading →

Costa Rica: The Niko and Elsie edition

Sweet innocent little Elsie meet Nicholas (Bam Bam) Johnston. Finally Elsie and Nicholas are at an age where they actually play together (yes mom, I know its only parallel play, but it seems as if they are interacting to me)… Continue Reading →

Surfin’ at the aquarium

Mindy and Elsie went to the Denver aquarium yesterday to see the fish and the sharks and the rays. Here’s a darling picture of her looking ready for the beach.

Costa Rica – Playing in the sun!

We have been having great weather in Costa Rica … we expected some showers and some weather from the hurricane’s but we seemed to have come in at the right time. Our house is on a fantastic (secluded) beach so the first morning we woke up and… Continue Reading →

Costa Rica: Getting to Tango Mar

        We had a great night in San Jose and enjoyed the breakfast at the Hampton Inn before heading to the airport. We arrived at 12:00 for a 1:30 flight – they told us we couldn’t check… Continue Reading →

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