We had a great night in San Jose and enjoyed the breakfast at the Hampton Inn before heading to the airport.

We arrived at 12:00 for a 1:30 flight – they told us we couldn’t check in until 1:00 (we were in a tiny cessna to Tambur) and there was talk of a weather delay (outside it was pouring rain). Elsie and Niko pulled out their toys and made the best of it …

First we played with Niko’s bugs …

We chatted with the desk agents …

Niko ran in circles and Elsie tried to catch him…

Niko took a cat nap…

then Scott invented the most fun game ever … try to get past the security ropes.

After much yelling and running we pulled out Finding Neee-mo. This was elsie’s first time to see it and she was in awe (Niko just wished she would be quiet)

There was finally a break in the weather and we jumped on the plane, Elsie took the window seat on dad’s lap so she could get a great view…


We arrived to the airport and were greeted by Hansel our tour guide/house manager. He loaded up the luggage and we headed to the houseo. We ut did ourselves this year … this place is amazing.

Elsie was so tired she headed right for a nap, but Mark jumped into the pool …

the house is amazing (love the bed complete with towel sculpture!)

So we made it to Casa Pacifico … now we are ready to relax.

. . . . . .

P.S. I am actually only on a dial-up modem, so my post schedule and photos may be a bit delayed. We also found out that our Mac Laptops don’t even have a modem, so I am stuck using the house PC which makes uploading photos extremely slow and painful …