This is a much delayed post: pretend its really dated August 4th.

After Lisa and Dirk’s wedding in Montana, Mark and I flew home without Elsie. She opted to stay in Montana with Grammie and Papa for a week of grandparent spoiling – as my mom says “but she really wanted to do it, so I let her”.

I finally convinced my mom to give me some photos of the week. Monday morning Grammie and Elsie headed out to “the country club” for a Mommy Grammie and Me swim lessons which lasted all week. They both had a blast

Grammie and Me Lessons

Grammie and Me Swimming Lessons

Elsie Loves the YCC

G.G. Ruby came out a couple of days to watch the bean in swim class, and one day Audrey joined in too. Gigi Ruby at Swimming

Gigi Ruby, Audrey and Elsie at Swimming

One day after swim lessons, Karen (my mom’s friend) brought Kennedy (her grandaughter) to have a play date. Kennedy and Elsie were fast friends.

Karen, Kennedy and Elsie

At the Pool with Kennedy

A Kiss for kennedy

Each day after swim lessons they headed home for a nap followed by activities at home … like push fat cat around on the water bottle


Sometimes they watched superwhy

SuperWhy Saves the Day!

Ready to Watch SuperWhy

Grammie and Elsie watchin SuperWhy

or waded in the froggy pool that papa got

New Froggy Pool

Love the Cool Pool

Elsie even went for another play date with her BFF Finley Lauren (Grammie and heather couldn’t convince her to get a professional photo, so a backyard playdate was the ticket)

Photos with Finley

In the Sandbox with my BFF

Hello Bogey

Each night they did the Richau tradition of heading out for dinner and meeting up with friends

Here they are at Fuddruckers where you can feed the ducks

Fuddruckers, Eat and See the Ducks

and here is Elsie at the Club Barbeque with John

Dinner at the Club

During the week while Elsie was in Montana Mark and I took full advantage of the time going to movies, dinner, and golfing – it was wonderful, but we were ready to have the bean back. Grammie and Elsie flew home on Friday and grammie stayed with us for the weekend.

It was a great week and a tradition we hope to continue!