Michael was in town for a visit a couple weeks ago and he was a big hit! Elsie instantly loved his glasses and enjoyed constantly playing with the case. Elsie wanted to show her papa all her cool stuff so… Continue Reading →
Elsie went in for her 18 month check up and all is well. She is still in the 25th percentile for height and the 5-10 percentile for weight – she’s just a little one! We had another round of shots… Continue Reading →
This year for halloween Elsie is going to be a baby chick, in case you wondered baby chicks say “Bock, Bock”. 🙂 I decided to test out my limited sewing skilz on white hat with a comb (that red thing… Continue Reading →
we headed up to Rob and Kieuly’s new house in the Boulder Foothills for Brunch a few Sunday’s ago – the house was amazing. here are a few pics my favorite part of the house was the master bathroom hello… Continue Reading →
Grandparents don’t really follow any rules … the day after Saffie’s birthday grampa allowed elsie to eat 4 cupcakes. Each time she would go to josh and amy’s house, she would some how hunt down the cupcakes and point to… Continue Reading →
for Saffie’s first birthday, Grammie and Grampa got her a tunnel … Elsie and Kai gave it a test run at Saffie’s party – here a few of the tunnel shots. I hope it wasn’t elsie that gave kai that… Continue Reading →
I’m occasionally an early adopter – and with some products (Sony minidisc) I end up in a technology dead-end. But with the AppleTV I couldn’t be happier. It’s a great way to play music for my living room and as… Continue Reading →
Last Saturday we started Gymnastics with Elsie. We have tried Gymboree and during the week Elsie goes to Kangaroo Kingdome which has lots of activities but we wanted to make sure we were giving Elsie the proper instruction on how… Continue Reading →
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