This year for halloween Elsie is going to be a baby chick, in case you wondered baby chicks say “Bock, Bock”. 🙂

I decided to test out my limited sewing skilz on white hat with a comb (that red thing on the top of the rooster) and an egg treat bag. I started with the egg bag and opted to first create a paper prototype with some limited user testing (opinions from oh so bossy mark)  …


here is the final bag, notice how I lined it with multiple colors of goldenrod … don’t notice how horrible my stitching is (although I justified this by saying it made the egg look more “cracked”)


egg bag

After remembering how to use the sewing machine and completing the bag, I moved onto the hat with the red comby thing. Here I am with pieces of the fleece everywhere in my hair …

sewing skilz

and modeling


The final steps were to dye a pair of white cotten tights with fabric dye, and safety pin on white feather boas to a white onsie and Voilla … we have a baby chick!

Baby Chick 1

searching for eggs


walking with mom



I can feel the candy rolling in already!