Today we are thinking of our good friend,  Shelley Dolan (really my second mother) as she goes through surgery. After a mammogram turned up abnormal cells many months ago, her family physician told her it was nothing to worry about. Shelley pushed for a second opinion and two doctors later she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Now a month later she is in the hospital having a masectomy. Heather put it so well… trust your instincts!


So today our thoughts are with Shelley …

here is elsie decked out in pink (in honor of all those with breast cancer), showing her thoughts


Winnie …


Even Pink Rody is sending wishes


But this post wouldn’t be complete without the wishes from Elsie newest BFF (don’t worry Fin, you are still her favorite human bff) that was a present from Shelley


Shelley today we are sending virtual luck and love, You are one tough cookie and we know you are going to be up and running in no time!

XXOO from Colorado!