Lavi and Andrew had a Photo booth at their reception … it was AWESOME – I would seriously consider setting one of these up in my house! We had so much fun returning to the booth for more … here are some of the photos
Mandy and Mark … I, of course, am looking at the camera in all of them … mark not so much
Elsie on the other hand, refuses to look at the camera (sadly there was a screen in the room off to the left which was very hard to ignore)
Grammie and Papa and the girls
Josh, Amy and Saffie and a party crasher for photos 2-4
My favorite set with Josh … giving him the Loser sign in 2
Grammie and Papa (grammie is wearing my dress and she looks pretty damn cute!)
Me with Grammie … look at pammies look in the bottom left … scary!
Amy, me and Carolina
Richau girls!
Richau boys (clockwise from my dad … his uncle lee, his uncle clem, his cousin doug, and his uncle arly) … serious head sizes!