ok, so no excuses on why I am so far behind … but I am back on the bloggin’ wagon (with some catch up)
In March, Grammie and Papa came to Colorado and we all headed up for our yearly ski trip at Vail. Even though my mom and dad only seem to ski once each year, my mom purchased a new set of skis and was ready to show the mountain who was boss. We rented a large house and all headed up to the mountain filled with gear … Elsie prepared herself for the snow with grammies uggs…
Josh, Amy, Saffie and the huntington crew joined us, and we also brought Min! along so the girls would have some fun while we hit the slopes. Grammie was in heaven ..
The house had a hot pool which was a big hit for Elsie … Saffie doesn’t like the hot water, but Elsie can’t get enough of it.
the suana was more of a play room, but the benches provided minutes of fun 🙂
We weren’t allowed to wear shoes inside, so the house was stocked with slippers … Quinn and Elsie found Pokemon twin slippers.
Grandpa Michael and Grammie Alison sent Elsie a new book (knuffle bunny) and EVERYONE was excited to read it – the artwork in this book is amazing and the bunny is so cute!
Not sure there is anything more fun than chewing on Grammie and Papa’s toothbrushes …
While we were on the slopes, Min created a fort for the girls to play in, of course elsie is serving tea as always.
Elsie, the tattoo aholic, was excited to see if altitude made any difference with the tattoos … it didn’t, except that she convinced quinn to put some on too…
Here we are in our gear at two elks lodge (papa, josh and grammie)
Heidi and Jason
me and Mark (isn’t mark so cute in his new ski pants!)
It was a great trip!
April 19, 2009 at 8:29 pm
Glad to see you are finally back to bloggin’…what a great trip! I bet Grammie Pammie was in HEAVEN!!!