Tonight Mark and I headed down to Denver to have dinner and see a movie … a treat given to me for my birthday by Scott and Julie. They purchased tickets to see the documentary Objectified at the Mayan Theater (which has a full bar by the way – and serves wine in real glasses). The director of Objectified, Gary Hustwit, also did the film Helvetica. We had a great dinner at the Hornet Restaurant just around the corner before hand and then walked over for the showing.

The film was a look at industrial design and how it impacts our lives today … they looked at a ton of objects and designers from a sustainable toothbrush to the mac powerbook to the oxo vegetable peeler. It was amazing to see how much thought and effort goes into every object we use (a lot of which we already know) but one of the biggest themes was sustainability – how can we make objects that last, or if they aren’t supposed to last (like your cell phone) how can we make it in a sustainable way so we aren’t filling our landfills with plastic.

It was a great night … but when I got home I said to mark, I had so much fun tonight but  going out on dates are so different now that we are older. He said I know, but there is one thing that really stuck with me about the film tonight was items that you grow into not out of, items that get better with age – like marriage. (and like the leather briefcase they were actually referring to in the film). I totally agree, Mark!

(ok, so I hate posts that are so sickly sweet – but that one had to be documented!)

So to top this off, I wanted to add an early photo (actually the first one ever taken) … Mark and I officially hit it off at a mutual friends wedding where we were both seated at the singles table – that some how collected all extra champagne bottles. 🙂


A special thanks to scott and julie for organizing the whole night! It was awesome – but it definitely made us miss you more.