Mark’s godparents Jan and David live in Steeple Aston (Oxfordshire) in historical Cedar Lodge (once home to Novelist Iris Murdoch). We decided to head to Steeple Aston for a few days of relaxation before the wedding storm. Jan and David are amazing hosts – and fabulous cooks! We arrived just in time to help make some fresh scones …
After scones it was out to feed Kissy the horse …
Jan and David live on 5 acres of true English garden all years of hard work.
Elsie picking a pear with Jan
Elsie was instantly attached to David, who spent much time touring elsie around the gardens and playing games in the house – she was hooked!
We had a beer at the local pub followed by another delicious dinner. Our rest was coming to an end.
David realizing we had two true Sladden’s with us (who are notoriously late) helped us get on the road on schedule and we were off to Dorset.
December 14, 2009 at 10:25 pm
Two true Sladdens who are notoriously late? You couldn’t POSSIBLY be talking about me.
: )