Life in Colorado

Month June 2010

Toddler Wisdom

Elsie is a chatterbox and some of her best wisdom comes on our drive to school in the morning - this weeks gems: 1. Some birds live in the forest, but some birds don't 2. Giraffe's eat leaves, but wolves eat rabbits ... and they howl like this "AwwwWoooo" Both very true  :)

Elsie is a chatterbox and some of her best wisdom comes on our drive to school in the morning – this weeks gems: 1. Some birds live in the forest, but some birds don’t 2. Giraffe’s eat leaves, but wolves… Continue Reading →

Akumal! (part 1)

This year we headed south to Mexico for our annual Johnston/Sladden family vacation. We rented a house in Akumal (between Playa del Carmen and Tulum). We opted for a Memorial Day vacation instead of the usual Labor day retreat because… Continue Reading →

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