This year Elsie requested a Jellyfish costume and trying to keep with the theme of “fish” I made Silas a Goldfish Costume (thanks to Martha Stewart for the pattern) … He wore the costume for a total of 25 minutes (really just to photograph so that I could document that I had in fact sewed him a costume and that the second child was not forgotten). 🙂

Here is the finished costume … the hat is odd, is he a pope goldfish? Silas also agreed that he looked funny …


Here is the Jellyfish – I used a clear umbrella and attached some elastic to make the contraption easier to carry, after many times putting the costume on I finally added the pat benetar headband for stability and for Halloween night we added purple glow necklaces …


Elsie practiced Jelly fish moves – which included Woop, Woop sound effects


Saffie was Snow white for the big day – here are the cousins off to gather loot


Mountain Shadows had a Halloween parade – here is the Jellyfish, and you can see Mrs. Walters following behind …


Beck toured the neighborhood as a Giraffe, and the Pope-fish stayed home with Momma to hand out candy


Here is elsie doing her loot dance … we emptied her bucket back into our candy bowl and gave most of it back to the neighborhood. 🙂


Earlier in the day we carved pumpkins …





Happy Halloween!