Life in Colorado

Month December 2010

Meeting Santa!

Each year our neighbors host a Tamale party – the place is packed with hungry folks ready to eat Bernies homeade tamales (this year mark ate 4 on his own). This party is also a big hit with the kids… Continue Reading →

Mr. Stands-a-lot!

Silas loves loves loves to stand all the time. He can’t manage it on his own but while papa was here he staged a few photos. Cute Jammies from Auntie Patsy and Uncle Antony!


This year we stayed close to home and had a very mellow turkey weekend – Food was great, and the prep was easy this year.Here a few shots from the day My mom (mrs.crafty) decided to go a bit crazy… Continue Reading →

Meet Arielle

Well my 5 months of maternity leave are coming to an end – I start back to work next Monday. I am both ready and nervous, but my know-it-all husband claims this was exactly how it was with Elsie, so… Continue Reading →

Tummy Time

Silas despises tummy time – he now just rolls on over to his back, but I did get a few shots of him up on his strong arms … He is Mr. Giggle-pants after the roll

4 month visit for Silas

This is clearly almost a month behind, but hey better late than never. Silas had his 4 month check up and all is well. We snapped some photos and then looked back at Elsie’s 4 month apt and were amazed… Continue Reading →


Yes, Mark is a Jets fan and this year his team of destiny is doing pretty well (despite their constant last minute wins). I decided to get a little crafty and turn a white sweatshirt (bought for Elsie’s Jellyfish costume)… Continue Reading →

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