Hello all, this is Elsie and I am writing this post just to inform everyone on what has happened these past few weeks.

A couple of weeks ago on March 11th I got a new puppy for my birthday! My actual birthday is April 12th or Easter this year, but she came early. We named her Iggy Azalea because she’s so fancy. She is a maltipoo, (Maltese+Poodle mix). And we love her to death. But not as much as she loves our other dog Willett!! She loves Willett so much and is quite annoying to him. But Willett is warming up to her. This was also the best time to get a new puppy!

Now to talk about being quarantined. I just recently started online schooling with my brother Silas a week ago. Things were very confusing and very different. But with my mom’s excellent organization skills I have been able to get used to online school. I think that the hardest part of online schooling is that my parents have to work from home with their 2 kids upstairs trying to keep busy. We are trying to make it easier on them but it’s hard. Also we are trying to keep off of our screens. That could be going better. All in all the hardest part is not being able to see our family and friends. I am also very sorry for everyone who has lost loved ones.

My mom and my grandma are making their own masks which is pretty cool/smart. We are going to paint animal faces on them too to make them more fun!

I hope everyone is doing well and not going crazy, (yet). Keep clean, healthy, and remember to social distance!!

Feeling guilty about your kids watching too much tv? Just mute it & put the subtitles on. BOOM. Now they’re reading.

Bored Panda
Our Puppy Iggy Azalea