This post is a little late… 🙂 Last weekend we brought my mom down from Montana to spend the weekend with us. We spent Saturday morning golfing at Indian Peaks – it was a beautiful day, about 72 degrees with a slight breeze. Josh and I showed up without sunscreen – somehow mark helped remind my mom, but not me. We were screwed, but didn’t realize it until later that night. I have quite a farmers tan that I will be working to correct.
We play a game called Bingo, Bango, Bongo (I have no idea what it means), but basically each hole you can collect up to 5 points (Longest Drive, First On the Green, Closest to the Pin, Longest Put and overall score). So even if your overall score is poor you can still make some money. Amy met us with Beers on hole 6 (she was out doing yard work). This shot is of my mom on Hole 18 – the money shot – it looks like she is doing some product placement for Corona.
Sunday we had breakfast at the Huckleberry Cafe and then headed to see Poseidon, which was pretty entertaining. 🙂 We topped our night off with pizza and the last episode of Survivor.
We love you Mom! 🙂
May 19, 2006 at 1:38 pm
Sadly I was not “in the money” but happily it was such an awesome weekend. What Mom could ask for more?…my children, puppy and kitties, golf, yummy food, exciting movie, shopping and time to just hang out. I am one lucky Mom with the greatest kids ever!