geez, I have not been a very good blogger but I have lots to blog about!

In May Chris arranged for an all boys camping trip in Colorado – Julie and I decided this was the perfect opportunity for a girls spa weekend with dogs. Everyone arrived on Thursday and popped over for a BBQ to celebrate Lola’s first birthday. Sumo is a professional traveler and was right at home in colorado!

Julie and I had an amazing relaxing weekend celebrating Julie’s recovery from breast cancer – we had lunch (with yummy cocktails) at Jills and went over to the St. Julian Spa for facials. We spent an entire day in our jammies, but we had the most fun with our dogs.

I think we have blogged about Sumo before – but he is Scott and Julie’s cutest little pug. He gets to do all the cool things like snuggle on the couch and sleep with scott and julie (with the white noise machine to cover up his cute little snores). Here is sumo with uncle mark.

At first Lola was extremely territorial – especially not wanting to share her new birthday toys from Sumo. Lola decided to show Sumo how a destructive Dog behaves…

I happened upon both dogs – Lola’s toy, both dogs, and our floor was covered in dirt. This was something new for Lola – so I assumed that sumo must have put her up to it.

It became pretty clear who the ring leader was…

The dogs had a great weekend, we went for walks in the open space where sumo showed lola how to swim (he learned at the beach in florida). Lola showed Sumo how tough she was by chewing up the kiddie pool.

much of the time was spent wrestling around… Sumo, while a bit smaller, could definitely give Lola a run for her money using his body mass to push her around and then pull her down by her collar – GO SUMO!

Of course Mom was there just in case…

The trip was a success – we realized that Lola and Sumo are great playmates – and I was extremely happy that lots of playing leads to a loooong nap. (sumo made good use of crickets bumper bed).

I think this weekend should be a tradition!