Last year, Mark and I vacation with Scott and Julie in Zihuatenjo, Mexico. It was an amazing vacation – but it was a bit too hot for the boys. This year we opted to stay closer to home (in the states) and we rented a posh house on Shadow Lake between Winter Park and Estes Park, Colorado. This meant we got to bring our dogs!
Scott and Julie did all of our grocery shopping – and because we were on vacation Julie let Scott put all types of yummy vacation food (licorice, chips, lucky charms, ice cream, breakfast danish… the list went on and on) in the cart!
We found Scott many mornings on the deck, wrapped up in his blankets with his laptop – but not working, just reading.
We lazed around, read lots of books (Congratulations to Julie for finishing her biography of John Adams!) and took naps. Everyday around 3:00 the walk police (Julie) would start hounding us to get our walk clothes on – anyone who knows julie knows that she hates hiking, what a mom does for her dog!
Sadly even well behaved baby dogs aren’t allowed in the National Park, only National Forest – so we had to search to find some trails that we could use. Our first day, we encountered a scary man in the woods (with no baby dog) – fortunately the walk police let us turn around.
Lola and Sumo had a blast – Lola was the leader and they would run back and forth about 20 yards off the trail and then bound back across – they definitely got their workout.
Scott, Lola and Sumo were the only brave souls to get in the frigid water. It was so cold, that instead of a swimming sign, it was a wading sign (no one in their right mind, except scott and the dogs) would swim without a wet suit. BRRR. Here is a picture of Lola retrieving her tennis ball ring.
I was hoping the lake was floatable, so I got us some floaters – they came in handy for reading/sunning – and dog playing. Lola and Sumo got along great (as always) – Sumo is a tough one and uses his body to push lola around. They played keep away with the chewy of the moment for hours, and hours, and hours.
We decided to travel home through Estes Park hoping to see a Moose – but all we saw was a bunch of elk. Dang!
We made it back to our house with time to head to dinner and see the Illusionist, which was pretty good. We had a fabulous time (as always) and can’t wait for next year! 🙂