I wanted to put up some follow up photos to our first big blizzard – We did have to cancel our trip to england. DIA was closed for 48 hours and our first confirmed seats out of Colorado weren’t until Christmas Day, arriving boxing day in London. Orbitz called us to tell us that the second blizzard that hit on Thursday 28th actually cancelled our returning flight from Chicago.

We were sad to miss the UK crowd and tried to make the best of the fluffy white. Once the snow stopped we were able to get some great shots of the build-up:

We opened the patio door to find about 2 feet of drifted snow leading to beautiful Mount Sladden.

Our Patio furniture was sleeping under a fluffy white blanket (I sure hope Mark put extra weatherizing on that stuff):

more drifts on the patio:

We decided to do a little snow-shoe’ing on the pristine golf course (I think Beth our neighbor who feels she must turn everyone in for being on the golf course was out of town – thank goodness!)

I followed in Mark’s footsteps which is much easier than carving your own path… Love the pink ski jacket!!

Mark and I both realized that being snowed in is pretty fun – especially if you work from home!