Today we had our first visit with Dr. Kamon, our pediatrician. Elsie was up to 7lbs 4oz (up from her birth weight at 7lbs) – she is a little piglet and they are very happy with this weight gain. Before this appointment we had a lactation appointment to check the breastfeeding progress – here they weigh elsie, let her eat, and then weigh her again to see exactly how much she is eating – we confirmed that she is a little piglet!!

After the weigh in elsie had to lay on the table for her check up – here she is relaxing before the doc comes in (with a nice little pose). All looks great – we did a follow up billiruben test (another foot poke) and the numbers are still headed down! This yellow-ish tan will soon be done and she will be as pasty as her mom and dad.