Elsie has been a great baby – for the first three weeks she was sleeping close to 18 hours a day and just happy as can be. We kept quiet about it hoping not to jinx it – but somehow I started opening my big mouth and sure enough all things went to hell. On Monday we had an entire day where if she was awake she was fussy-mcfusserson. I wanted to pull my hair out.

We pulled out the swing (a fantastic gift from the Johnstons), inserted the screamer and Viola! we had some peace. I would say the Swing and the vibrating bouncer chair are vital tools to raise a child – oh and probably ear plugs.

Fortunately for me (lack of patience) she seems to be out of her crab-claws mood so I am hoping it was a growth spurt and not a pattern of life. 🙂 I now see why babies are born so delightfully cute – even when you want to pull your hair out they are still seem perfect.