Well we made it to Kauai in one piece …

Elsie had a day of firsts … first trip to hawaii, and first time in business class – mommy had to wait till she was 26 before she got to ride in business class – this munchkin is living large

first biz class

We arrived to Honolulu late and missed our connection to kauai but we eventually made it and Scott was at the airport to grab us. We came back to our house and since it was dark we didn’t get to appreciate the amazing spot julie found!

Scott has already visited the store and dropped $500 on groceries – I think we will spend the whole week eating and drinking – but isn’t that what vacation is for!

We headed to bed, listening to waves and woke up to a sunrise …

Niko and Scott were already awake and had been down the the beach and decided they should show us the sites:

dads walking





Lovin kauai

in the water

Now for some yummy fruit

and a nap

sleeping in paradise

More photos – Its only 9 in the morning – imagine how many photos I will have at the end of the trip.